Little Seedlings Monthly Farm, Art & Nature Discovery Program

Join us for an innovative early childhood program that weaves together farming, art-making, and nature exploration for children ages 3-7 and their caregivers. Through guided hands-on experiences, participants develop environmental awareness, creative expression, and scientific inquiry skills while building meaningful connections to the land.


  • February 15

  • March 15

  • April 19

  • May 17

  • June 21

  • July 19

  • August 16

  • September 20

  • October 18

  • November 15

Upcoming Programs!

  • 4/19 Little Seedlings: Beeswax Wonder

    Celebrate the awakening of our bees as we enjoy their buzzing presence! In this session learn about bee keeping and discover the unique properties of beeswax. Create your own sustainable, reusable beeswax-coated fabric wrap to take home and enjoy!

  • 5/17 Little Seedlings: Soil Painting

    What is soil? What does it feel, look, smell like? In this session combining art and science, young investigators will use all their senses to examine the natural colors and textures under their feet. With a mortar and pestle, they will turn soil samples into pigments to manufacture paint as old masters did. Now our young artists are ready to create beautiful earth tone masterpieces!

  • 6/21 Little Seedlings: Pollinators Parade

    Equipped with magnifying lenses, nature explorers will peruse the Peace Garden (Pollinator Garden?) for the insects and birds fluttering around. We’ll find out who is attracted to what color and flower and play a matching game! Participants will create beautiful paper flowers and receive a matching pollinator toy to take home.